Contracts for assignment or licensing of industrial property rights refer to those for assignment or licensing of rights relating to invention patents, new utility model patents, exterior design patents as well as trademarks excluding those merely for assignment of rights of trademarks. 工业产权的转让或者许可合同是指涉及发明专利权、实用新型专利权、外观设计专利权以及商标权的转让或者许可的合同(仅涉及商标权转让的合同除外);
The aged industrial air together with the new art and culture atmosphere in Redtory have brought quite a lot inspiration to the students from Hong Kong, whose majors are engineering and design. 这批香港学生主修工程和设计,红专厂的旧工业气息和新艺术文化氛围,给学生们带来了很多灵感。
Working experience in projects like sizable community, industrial park, new town design, old town regeneration preferred. 具有大型社区、工业园区、新城设计、旧城改造经验者优先。
Based on application and innovation, industrial design encircles the focus of improving people's life quality and discovers new design to influence human's life style. 工业设计以应用和创新为根本,围绕着努力改善和提升人的生活品质这个中心,不断探索新的设计来改变人的生活方式。
At present, there is not the connection of clothing pattern design between industrial pattern. In this paper, the combination of clothing pattern design and industrial pattern is studied. By means of an example, a method of new pattern design derived is developed. 针对服装纸样设计与工业样板设计存在脱节的问题,本文通过实例将纸样设计与工业样板设计相结合,提出一种新的一体化设计方法。
Pro/ ENGINEER is widely used in industrial community as the automatic design software of new generation, because it integrates design, machining process and NC codes generation into unified platform and has the stronger design function and processing function. Pro/ENGINEER作为新一代的自动化设计软件被工业界广泛运用,它将设计与加工过程及NC代码生成集成在统一平台下,有着较强的设计功能和加工功能。
The design method of Suzhou industrial park overhead viaduct are introduced in this paper, and it compared new code for design with former code in the aspects of checking computations. 本文结合苏州工业园区高架桥工程设计,对基于新、老公路桥涵设计规范的设计进行了比较分析和验算。
After the second war, the modern trends in industrial design took an appearence of new style and characteristics, such as: 1. Diversity of design style; 二战后,现代工业产品设计的趋势,呈现了一些新特点:1.设计风格的多样化;
Diminishing the Difference Between Industrial and Civil Architecture& A New Trend of Architecture Design 淡化界限&建筑设计中的新趋势
In the new era of web education, man must transform the old concepts of education established in the industrial era and accept the new ones of life study, self design and development, interactive and equal partaking. 人类在进入网络化教育时代,必须转变传统的工业社会时代确立的教育观念,形成终身学习、自我设计与发展、开放互动、平等参与、以及创新能力为本的适应网络化教育要求的新观念。
After having analysed the superiorities and problems of local cotton industrial development giving a new design of cotton in the future: ( 1) Constructing Xinjiang cotton bases; 在分析新疆棉花产业化发展的优势和存在问题后,得出棉花发展的新思路:(1)建设棉花基地;
This paper passes through the research for industrial design professional construction and explores, has made industrial design construction scheme, and has elaborated the specific course of implementing, which will be helpful for the training of new industrial design talent. 本文通过对工业设计专业建设的研究与探索,提出了工业设计建设方案,并阐述了具体的实施过程,这将有利于新型工业设计人才的培养。
The relationship between the modern design originated from industrial revolution and new aesthetics notion established on the modern design is dependent and supporting each other. 工业革命条件下发展起来的现代设计与因现代设计思想而确立的新美学观是相互依赖、相辅相存的。
The paper constructed the structure of green design and manufacture, analyzing the green design and manufacture of modern industrial production, bring forward the new green design of industry design. 总结并构建了绿色设计与制造的体系结构,并就现行工业产品实施绿色设计与制造进行了深入的分析,提出了新型的绿色设计与制造范式。
Industrial design is a new comprehensive subject which includes modeling aesthetics and engineering as well as other relative subjects, facing different kinds of product modeling, it is quite difficult to express design information completely and precisely only by using two-dimensional technical drawing. 工业设计是一门融造型美学、工程技术等相关学科为一体的新兴学科,面对各种造型的产品,仅用二维视图作为产品的技术图样,难以完整、精确地表达设计信息。
With the increasingly intensive competition of industrial market in the world, enterprise must adopt new ideas, new methods and new technologies to improve the product design pattern to make their products more competitive. 随着世界工业市场竞争的不断加剧,企业要想使其产品具有较强的竞争力,必须采用新思想、新方法、新技术来改进产品的开发模式。
Combining with the condition of our industrial design presently, it was demonstrated that material role transformation is the good opportunity for our country industrial design to obtain a breakthrough, thereby provides a new way for the development of our industrial design. 并结合我国当代工业设计的状况,论证材料角色的转变是我国工业设计获得突破的良机,为我国工业设计的发展提供了一个新思路。
Creative Industrial Context and New Graphic Design 创意产业语境与新平面设计
Therefore, the paper is pointed out that the prevalence of modern industrial design, the produce of new design educational mode and the cultivation on complex experts are the need factors of coming into being new style in information epoch. 指出当代工业设计教育的普及,复合型工业设计人材的培养,是信息时代工业设计风格形成的必要因素。
Along with the growing attention to environmental pollution of the country, to deal with the "industrial three-wastes" will become very important ( significant). So, they had put forward a new design of the combustion boiler& three waste boiler in chemical industry. 随着国家对环境污染日益重视,工业三废的处理将变得非常重要,由此,化工工业提出了一种全新的锅炉燃烧设计方案&三废锅炉。
Using the experiences of the developed program in industrial design, the thesis puts forward creatively a new idea of the conceptual design of bridges, which could run through the whole process of bridge design. 论文借鉴工业设计领域中发展成熟的设计程序,创造性地提出了能够贯穿桥梁设计过程始终的概念设计新思路&桥梁的产品化概念设计。
Material and technic are the material foundation and the technical support for industrial design` s development. The application level of new material and new technic is one sign of the industrial design` s advanced natures. 材料与工艺是工业设计发展的物质基础和技术保障,新材料与新工艺的应用水平是工业设计发展先进性的标志之一。
This paper did the exploratory work on the field of industrial design form coding, used the coding technique of mechanical accessory for reference, offered a new thought of industrial design form coding. 本文对工业设计的形态的编码技术进行了探索性研究,借鉴了机械零件的编码技术,提供了工业设计的形态编码的新思路。
By assigning the address of PLC and industrial touch screen propose a new concept M-instruction, provided the interface for the introduction of object-oriented software design. 对PLC与工业触摸屏的内部地址进行了分配,从中提出了M指令这个概念,为后面采用面向对象思想进行软件设计提供了很好的接口。
The design of public facilities that focus on the study of public space, urban, relations between people, is accompanied by generation of urban development and financial and environmental design of industrial product design in the new integrated product design environment. 公共设施设计即着眼于研究公共空间、城市、人三者的关系,是伴随着城市发展而产生的融工业产品设计与环境设计于一体的新型环境产品设计。
Industrial design as a new discipline has been gradually recognized by community, people also ware of the importance of industrial design for the positive impact of science and technology, production and lifestyles. 工业设计作为一门新学科、新领域逐渐被社会所认识,人们也逐渐意识到工业设计对科技、生产、生活方式所产生的积极影响的重要性。
Hypothesized commercial teaching of industrial design education is one new teaching way that unifies the traditional industrial design educational mode and the modern educational technique. 工业设计教育中的虚拟商业教学是将传统的工业设计教育方式与现代的教育技术相结合的一种新的教学方式。
In addition, with the trend of networked industrial systems, the communication network is introduced to the closed system. However, despite the advantages and potentials, communication network in the control loops arouse some new issues, which imposes a challenge to system analysis and design. 另外,随着工业系统网络化的趋势,将通讯网络引入闭环系统,会给系统的分析和设计带来许多新问题。